为此我还特地翻出《Inside C++ object model》:
2.1 Default Constructor Construction
The C++ Annotated Reference Manual (ARM) [ELLIS90] (Section 12.1) tells us that “default constructors…are generated (by the compiler) where needed….”
#include <stdio.h> class Base { public: Base() { Init(); } //virtual ~Base() { printf("Base dtor\n"); Release(); } virtual void Init() { printf("Base::Init\n"); } virtual void Release() { printf("Base::Release\n"); } }; class Derived : public Base { public: /* ~Derived() { printf("Derived dtor\n"); } // */ virtual void Init() { printf("Derived::Init\n"); } virtual void Release() { printf("Derived:Release\n"); } }; int main() { Base *obj = new Derived(); delete obj; return 0; }
# g++ -Wa,-adhln -g test.cpp > test.s 44:test.cpp **** delete obj; 227 .loc 1 44 0 228 0028 488B45F0 movq -16(%rbp), %rax 229 002c 488945E0 movq %rax, -32(%rbp) 230 0030 48837DE0 cmpq $0, -32(%rbp) 230 00 231 0035 7520 jne .L17 232 0037 EB30 jmp .L18 ... 244 .L17: 245 .loc 1 44 0 246 0057 488B7DE0 movq -32(%rbp), %rdi 247 005b E8000000 call _ZN4BaseD1Ev # 直接call
# nm test ... 0000000000400816 W _ZN4Base4InitEv 00000000004007fe W _ZN4Base7ReleaseEv 000000000040082e W _ZN4BaseC2Ev 0000000000400876 W _ZN4BaseD1Ev 00000000004007e6 W _ZN7Derived4InitEv 00000000004007ce W _ZN7Derived7ReleaseEv 0000000000400852 W _ZN7DerivedC1Ev ...
44:test.cpp **** delete obj; 170 .loc 1 44 0 171 0028 48837DF0 cmpq $0, -16(%rbp) 171 00 172 002d 7520 jne .L12 173 002f EB32 jmp .L13 ... 185 .L12: 186 .loc 1 44 0 187 004f 488B45F0 movq -16(%rbp), %rax # this -> rax 188 0053 488B00 movq (%rax), %rax # *rax -> vptr 189 0056 4883C008 addq $8, %rax # vptr += 8 190 005a 488B00 movq (%rax), %rax # *vptr -> Base::~Base 191 005d 488B7DF0 movq -16(%rbp), %rdi # this as first argument (passed by rdi) 192 0061 FFD0 call *%rax # call
析构函数动态调用这也是预期的。至于为什么是偏移vptr+8,是因为第一个指针指向的是type_info,具体可看浅议 Dynamic_cast 和 RTTI。vptr和virtual function table还需要详述吗?
... 000000000040084c W _ZN4Base4InitEv 00000000004008ac W _ZN4Base7ReleaseEv 0000000000400864 W _ZN4BaseC2Ev 0000000000400970 W _ZN4BaseD0Ev 00000000004009b0 W _ZN4BaseD1Ev 00000000004008c4 W _ZN4BaseD2Ev 0000000000400834 W _ZN7Derived4InitEv 000000000040081c W _ZN7Derived7ReleaseEv 0000000000400888 W _ZN7DerivedC1Ev 0000000000400904 W _ZN7DerivedD0Ev 000000000040093a W _ZN7DerivedD1Ev ...
细心的人就会发现无论是Base还是Derived都会生成多个析构函数,这个深入下去还有很多内容,具体可以参看:GNU GCC (g++): Why does it generate multiple dtors?。
(gdb) ni 0x000000000040080d 45 return 0; 1: x/3i $pc 0x40080d <main()+117>: callq *%rax # 调用 0x40080f <main()+119>: mov $0x0,%eax 0x400814 <main()+124>: add $0x28,%rsp (gdb) si Derived::~Derived (this=0x7ffff7ffd000, __in_chrg=<value optimized out>) at test.cpp:24 24 class Derived : public Base { 1: x/3i $pc 0x400904 <Derived::~Derived()>: push %rbp 0x400905 <Derived::~Derived()+1>: mov %rsp,%rbp 0x400908 <Derived::~Derived()+4>: sub $0x10,%rsp
(gdb) disassemble 'Derived::~Derived' Dump of assembler code for function Derived::~Derived(): 0x0000000000400904 <Derived::~Derived()+0>: push %rbp 0x0000000000400905 <Derived::~Derived()+1>: mov %rsp,%rbp 0x0000000000400908 <Derived::~Derived()+4>: sub $0x10,%rsp 0x000000000040090c <Derived::~Derived()+8>: mov %rdi,-0x8(%rbp) 0x0000000000400910 <Derived::~Derived()+12>: mov $0x400b50,%edx 0x0000000000400915 <Derived::~Derived()+17>: mov -0x8(%rbp),%rax 0x0000000000400919 <Derived::~Derived()+21>: mov %rdx,(%rax) 0x000000000040091c <Derived::~Derived()+24>: mov -0x8(%rbp),%rdi 0x0000000000400920 <Derived::~Derived()+28>: callq 0x4008c4 <Base::~Base()> 0x0000000000400925 <Derived::~Derived()+33>: mov $0x1,%eax 0x000000000040092a <Derived::~Derived()+38>: test %al,%al 0x000000000040092c <Derived::~Derived()+40>: je 0x400937 <Derived::~Derived()+51> 0x000000000040092e <Derived::~Derived()+42>: mov -0x8(%rbp),%rdi 0x0000000000400932 <Derived::~Derived()+46>: callq 0x400670 <_ZdlPv@plt> 0x0000000000400937 <Derived::~Derived()+51>: leaveq 0x0000000000400938 <Derived::~Derived()+52>: retq
实际上这个析构函数就是上面的D0版本,它做了一件重要的事就是delete this。具体的可以google gcc对析构函数的实现。
构造函数和析构函数中根本就不会启用多态,这个是结论或者说是标准,但不是原因(真怕又有人告诉我c++ standard某section这样写的所以这就是理由)。既然反正已经看实现了,就索性看一眼编译器怎么处理这个问题:
// Base::~Base 261 0000 55 pushq %rbp 262 .LCFI22: 263 0001 4889E5 movq %rsp, %rbp 264 .LCFI23: 265 0004 4883EC10 subq $16, %rsp 266 .LCFI24: 267 0008 48897DF8 movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) 268 .loc 1 10 0 269 000c BA000000 movl $_ZTV4Base+16, %edx 269 00 270 0011 488B45F8 movq -8(%rbp), %rax 271 0015 488910 movq %rdx, (%rax) 272 .loc 1 11 0 273 0018 BF000000 movl $.LC4, %edi 273 00 274 001d E8000000 call puts 274 00 275 .loc 1 12 0 276 0022 488B7DF8 movq -8(%rbp), %rdi 277 0026 E8000000 call _ZN4Base7ReleaseEv # 直接call绝对地址
94 0000 55 pushq %rbp 95 .LCFI9: 96 0001 4889E5 movq %rsp, %rbp 97 .LCFI10: 98 0004 4883EC10 subq $16, %rsp 99 .LCFI11: 100 0008 48897DF8 movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) 101 .LBB2: 102 .loc 1 5 0 103 000c B8000000 movl $_ZTV4Base+16, %eax 103 00 104 0011 488B55F8 movq -8(%rbp), %rdx 105 0015 488902 movq %rax, (%rdx) 106 .loc 1 6 0 107 0018 488B7DF8 movq -8(%rbp), %rdi 108 001c E8000000 call _ZN4Base4InitEv # 直接call地址
written byKevin Lynx posted athttp://codemacro.com
由 udpwork.com 聚合
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