Say you've got the following line in your crash log that you want to symbolicate:
5 MyApp 0x0044e89a 0x29000 + 4348058
The first hex number is the stack address, and the second hex number is the load address. You can ignore the last number. You don't need to worry about slide addresses either.
To symbolicate, do the following:
atos -o MyApp.app/MyApp -arch armv7 -l 0x29000 0x0044e89a
If you can't find your MyApp.app/MyApp file, rename your '.ipa' file to a '.zip', unzip it, and it'll be in the Payload folder.
And if you're not sure which architecture to use (for example, armv7 or armv7s), scroll to the 'Binary Images' part of the crash file and you can find it in there.
Just a note that if your app doesn't include debug symbols you can replace the -o part with the symbols in you .dSYM file (MyApp.app.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/MyApp)
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